Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn

Monday, May 14, 2012


When I returned home after a week away from my kiddos, Lincoln really wanted to do puzzles.  It started Friday night when I got home with me patiently (this was somewhat difficult as I was exhausted from a week of less that 5 hours of sleep per night...) helping him put his puzzles together.  By Saturday he was able to get his 12 piece puzzles together mostly on his own.  Sunday he was completing his 24 piece Thomas puzzles by himself in about 10 minutes!  He would do every puzzle we had over and over and over again.  He even came in our room in the morning on several occasions to wake us up with his puzzle in his hand, ready to get the day started.  It amazes me how rapidly his brain is growing and he is learning new things.  He can now recognize the shape of a triangle as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Our boys are so similar it's crazy! Griffin got totally into puzzles about 5 or 6 months back. Same ones over and over. He still loves them. And Santa even bought him the same one you have pictured!
