Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn

Friday, May 18, 2012


Watching Lincoln's personality blossom has been quite an adventure thus far.  I can only imagine what is yet to come.  There are so many mannerisms in which I see Josh and myself.  The things that he comes up with crack me up.  The other morning I woke up to find him sleeping on the dog pillow with Morgan while Thor was away for the night at the vet.  The pet bed was naturally covered in dog hair and needed to be washed before I would have allowed him to sleep on it, but it was adorable none the less.

That same morning I came out into the kitchen to find that he had made himself breakfast...  He had gotten the cereal and poured himself a bowl.  

Lincoln has a stuffed Rex from Toy Story and a couple weeks ago one of the dogs (Thor I'm sure...) took it from his room and managed to sneak it outside.  I came home from work, took the kids outside to enjoy the weather and noticed stuffing all over the back yard...  Just as I was realizing what it was Lincoln wandered over to find Rex's dismembered headless body.  I thought he was going to break out into tears as he stuttered Rex's name.  We picked up the stuffing and I took it to the garbage.  Lincoln insisted that we "fix" Rex and not throw him away so Josh went online and ordered a replica on eBay.  It arrived in the mail and Lincoln was so happy that Rex was "fixed" and looking much better!  Phew!  The other night he was being stubborn about brushing his teeth so we brought Rex in and he brushed his teeth.  Rex now has a toothbrush in the bathroom.  Kids are so much fun!  Especially when they are all caught up on sleep :-)

1 comment:

  1. So sweet....I love him so much. He brings such fun to me on Friday's. Love you too baby girl....okay so you are not the baby but you are still and always will be my baby girl. Love
