Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Brannin, Family of Four...

Well, it's been one week!  Blessed, elated, exhausted, overjoyed, stressed, blissful, overwhelmed, there has been a whirlwind of emotions this week.  I can say that blessed is the overarching emotion that I am feeling still.  Our family feels so much more complete with Brooklyn in it.  I was worried about Lincoln and how his reaction might affect the transition period, but I worried for no reason.  He is stepping into his big brother role perfectly thus far.  He asks about "baby" constantly.  A few of the moments that made my heart swell are as follows...  The other day he had spent a few hours at Grandma's house and when he returned home I was out with Brooklyn.  Josh said he was looking for "baby" and asking where she was.  The other morning he was sure that "baby" wanted to watch Thomas with him.  My favorite was when I walked into the living room to find he had put one of his favorite toys in the bouncer with her. 

Watching Thomas...

Lincoln and his"cheese" face...

One thing I've been trying to do is include Lincoln as much as I can when I am taking care of Brooklyn.  He loves to get his stool and watch as I change her diaper.  He is constantly asking me about her belly button.  I'm sure it looks awful weird with that extra piece!  I've been having him pick out her outfits in the mornings as well.  He doesn't always care to pick.  He picked a Husky onesie the other day...  Daddy was pretty happy!   

Josh and I are of course adjusting to the schedule of a newborn!  The first few nights were rough to say the least.  She was on the graveyard schedule for sure!  Of course I made things harder on myself by not sleeping during the day when she was snoozing.  I am really trying to just sit down and relax, not worry about the house, laundry, garbage, dinner etc, but it has been hard...  My body had been reminding me along with Josh to SLOW down.  She seems to be getting on a better schedule now.  We will see what tonight holds as she was awake more today than she has been to date. 

I have found that dressing a girl is so much fun.  We could be in trouble...  There are so many different accessories to choose from not to mention the clothing section for girls is ginormous in comparison to the boys!  Today I tried some tutus and head bands on miss Brooklyn and it was so much fun.  Well, aside from her peeing all over me...  Hahha!  She has actually peed and pooped on me more in her first week of life that Lincoln has in two years!  I went through four diapers when I changed her earlier today!  That excretory system is definitely fully functioning.

Haha!  This picture cracks me up with her cross eyes!  Who knows what she was looking at!  :-)  Maybe the HUGE flower on her head!


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