Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Perfect Heart and Sweet Smile!

Brooklyn had her heart appointment today.  She saw the pediatric cardiologist to have her faint heart murmur checked out.  Her pediatrician, Dr. Murdoch, did not think there was any reason for concern, but none the less want to get her checked out just to be sure and to give us all peace of mind.  I of course worried none the less!  I finally felt better about a week ago after talking with Josh and continuous prayers for her health and wisdom for the doctors as they examined her.  They did an ultrasound of her heart and it was perfect!  She was so good too.  Other than they needed her to be still and she has a hard time holding still unless she is sleeping!  A wiggle worm like her brother for sure.  I learned today that they use Doppler in ultrasounds and that it is the same technology/physics that they use in the weather reports we watch on TV.  I was also informed that the medical profession gets the credit for developing the idea :-)  Brooklyn is now 6 weeks old, weighs 10 ponds 2 ounces and is 22 and 1/4 inches long.  Growing so fast!  I was able to catch her first "on camera" smiles.  A perfect ending to our day!  


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