Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Ah, another Valentines Day...  We spent the night before putting together Lincoln's Valentine's for his friends at daycare.

The morning of Valentine's Day was a hectic, but the afternoon was LAZY.  First item on the to do list was to get Lincoln a hair cut.  Josh and I both love it long (as pictured below), but there was a bit of miscommunication about whether or not he needed a hair cut... 
So naturally, to save a buck, I made the mistake of attempting a trim the night before and turned our child into one of the the mushrooms from Nintendo that gives you height...  So he got the "joy" of a "professional" hair cut at hair masters.  Hehehe :-)  I can't wait for it to grow back as it still is a bit mushroomy... 

We then headed to drop off the Valentine's at his daycare.  He was sobbing at the thought of me leaving him, but finally chilled out when he realized we were just visiting.  He was having a blast like he always does I'm sure when I am not there.  Next stop, Grandma's house.  Lincoln got to spend the day with Grandma and then went to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa.  Their plan was to eat a nice dinner at Red Lobster, but somehow they ended up at the McDonald's Play Place and never made it to Red Lobster.  My parents decided to take the car through the car wash on the way home and Lincoln apparently had mixed feelings about that.  He was scared up until the end.  Then that's all he was talking about that night at home.  It is even what he told Josh about during bedtime when we ask him to tell us about his day.  After dropping Lincoln off I had to run to the post office to drop off my ballot so that my "yes" vote for the levy would count.  Then I finally made it home where I literally ate comfort food, vegged on the couch, and snuggled with Brooklyn.  It was PERFECT!  Josh got home late from work and we just hung out when the kids went to bed.  No Valentines plans, but a great day none the less :-)  Besides, my Valentine will spoil me throughout the year, right :-)  And of course I will spoil him too...  


  1. We had a mellow evening with the kids too. It's just easier that way! :o) Brooklyn's v-day outfits are soooo cute! She is such a doll. Lincoln looks cute too, even with his haircut from mommy. Heehee!

  2. Your kids are so stinkin' cute!!!!
