Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lincoln Stubborn?

Lincoln's personality is really developing and for a while now we have begun to realize how stubborn he can be.  He likes things done in a certain way (which can be traced to certain family members for sure, but I won't name any names..  hehehe) and refuses to do things unless he wants to or unless he is good and ready to.  We have been working on manners, specifically getting him to consistently say please and thank you.  I usually keep a snack in the car that he eats on the way home from daycare.  Today he asked for his snack and I asked him to say "please", he of course refused and got no snack.  We got home and he proceeded to head to the pantry and get a fruit snack.  He brought it to me to open for him and again I asked him to say "please", again he refused.  This time he plopped himself on the ground and gave me the "no way I'm giving in" look.  He got no fruit snack.  Next he brought me the Pirates Booty.  I asked him to say please before he would get any and surprise, surprise, he would not.  He went to the living room and I proceeded to check up on some work emails.  Little did I know what was going on behind me...  I walked into the living room to find the honey and an entire loaf of bread spilled onto the floor.  Lincoln was just eating large chunks of it while watching Cars?!  So stubborn!  It was one of those moments when I had to take a moment and reflect on the appropriate next steps, as part of me wanted to crack up laughing and the other part of me was so irritated about him sneaking a "snack" that he didn't have to ask nicely for.  After a minute or two of observation I decided that I had to photograph the moment, thus appealing to the part of me that wanted to laugh.  I did so discretely and with a very disappointed/irritated look on my face of course as not to send the wrong message.  Then to appeal to the side of me that knows he needed to be disciplined for his own future good, he got in trouble.  Being a parent makes for the most priceless memories!   


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