Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn

Friday, June 14, 2013

Year 7 Complete!

Teaching is special in that there is never a dull moment and you are constantly growing and changing.  Meeting your students, learning their names, meeting their families, keeping track of them (lol), grading their papers, taking special interest in their uniqueness, attending meetings each week, fundraising for Cispus, grading more papers, solving conflicts, teaching social skills, oh yeah and planning educational lessons...  You hit the ground running the end of August and don't let up until June.  Hence the reason the last two weeks of school bring about the ultimate catalyst for chaos in my own home. Hopefully next week I will find the actual floor coloring in my house, my children will yet again find vegetables on their dinner plates and remember that they do have a mother!

This day marks the end of my 7th year in this profession.  Roughly 1,260 days and 135 kids that I have been entrusted into my care for their education.  YIKES!!!  This year was a lot of fun.  I had a great group of kids and we had a lot of fun.  This year will be forever marked by skeleton name tags, Sandy Hook Remembrance T-Shirts, Cispus fundraising, attendance goals, teacher vs. student points, minute to win it, read alouds, country reports, Cispus, pie in the face, student lead science lessons and many more things I am sure to have forgotten.  Bottom line, I will miss them dearly.  

Of course there are ups and downs.  Life is all about ups and downs, marriage, parenting, friendships-there's no way around them.  The work place isn't any different.  You just power through.  My powering through was due to God, my awesome coworkers and family.  The perk of this job is the internal rewards and the 9 weeks of summer that are starting for me next week when I am officially checked out and attend my last training!  9 weeks to be with my two beautiful children and smother them with love.  Until the 2013-2014 school year, break time here I come!!!        

1 comment:

  1. You truly are a wonderful teacher honey. I would have been very happy to have my children taught by you. :) Love love love you....see you soon. Mom.
