Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn

Friday, June 14, 2013

My Beauties!

We don't get out to movies much nor are we out on the town these days.  Our primary source of entertainment are these two little beings that we've created...  Really they are all the entertainment we need!  And at times, the only entertainment we can handle.

Brooklyn is nearly 18 months now and into everything.  Independence could have been her middle name and there is no doubt she knows exactly what she wants.  She is our little dare devil.  Most recently she loves going down their new slide head first...  Or she swings herself on the beam above the slide before launching herself down.  

This is much unlike her nearly 4 year old brother whom prefers the swings on their new play set.  In fact I am convinced he would swing all day long and into the night if someone would push him.  We've been working on the whole "pumping the legs" thing with no avail.  And if he is going to partake of the slide he requests to be brought down at a "slow" pace...       

We had the opportunity to take the kids to The Great Wolf Lodge for the evening and spend time in the water park.  Brooklyn went right in with a smile on her face, life vest and all.  Went down a water slide all by herself and didn't even cry when she accidentally went under.

My cautious one was completely different.  After 20 min he was ready to venture into the shallows.  Then into the deeper water to do some climbing.  Next to the jet skis to sit and squirt Daddy, and finally he was having a blast watching the dump bucket and crashing into the waves in the wave pool.  He didn't go down a water slide this time, but maybe next time???  

Brooklyn is talking up a storm and LOVES books right now, rather "gooks". She brings a "gook" everywhere she goes whether it's a jaunt across the house, a trip in the car or off to bed.  The other morning she slept in rather late.  When I finally checked on her I found her laying on her back in her crib with a book up in her face. 

Someone Houdini'd her way out of her crib last night!  She even managed to get to the ground without a crazy crash or tears.  I was fortunate to witness the unfolding of the event.  Her door was open wide enough that she could reach the knob.  She used that to pull herself out and to the floor??  Gotta watch her every move! 

Lincoln is still very much into cars.  Lately he has resurrected his trains and is even back into watching Thomas the Tank Engine (not one of my favorite shows).  His favorite toy as of late is a Barbie interactive toy.  He takes it to bed with him every night.  When you play it requires you to complete everyday tasks with Barbie such as shopping, going to the stables, or practicing for the recital.  It a great educational toy and he is learning a lot, but I never would have guessed that would be the one he liked!  He never ceases to crack me up.  The other day he was in the tub with tea cups over his ears telling me he was mowing and that he had his ear muffs on.  Next he was weed whacking with them.  

For a couple days he really took a liking to one of our old cell phones.  He carried it around one night talking to Grandma Danette.  Next apparently he was on the phone with Grandma Tammy.  After that he informed me that he would just be playing some games on his phone.  About 15 minutes later he says, "My battery is dead!  I better put my phone on the charger".  The next morning in the car I thought he was talking to me so naturally I responded and he retaliated with. "MOM!!!  I'm on the phone!!"  Yikes!  :-)  Love that kid!  His imagination fascinates me and I hope he keeps it up.   

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