Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn

Saturday, April 20, 2013

House Progress

Things are finally starting to take shape!  The foundation was dug out and we got a culvert!  Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve to see a culvert and a patch of gravel.  I guess I'm growing up.  Haha!  Once the foundation was dug out the earth work also began, the digging of trenches for the power line, the septic and the well.  Josh rented a dozer and Lincoln even helped him one evening.  He had a blast.  After that Lincoln insisted on "going to the property" nearly every evening. The kids absolutely LOVE playing out there rain or shine.  In fact one evening Lincoln was trying to teach Brooklyn how to jump in the puddles.  When it was time to leave, she was not very happy!

Lincoln fell into the foundation the day we went to see the dig out.  Once he was in he and Daddy were having races in the wide open space.   
Brooklyn also enjoyed running around in the dirt!
Once the forms went up for the foundation I couldn't help, but find myself at the property on a daily basis overjoyed and anticipating some sort of change from the work they had done that day or the day prior.  

Starting to put up the forms for the foundation...

Lincoln got to stay and help Daddy dig some trenches!

Brooklyn had to come home and was not too thrilled :-(
Forms with cement!
A few Saturday's back Josh and his dad worked on putting in the septic tank.  The kids of course "helped" that day too...

Working on the septic

Someone even peed in the drain field...  

The view from the top of the driveway.  We had to bring in some gravel because of all the mud!
More forms!
The view from the back corner

Josh borrowed my parents tractor to do some of the back filling.  Luckily they live really close so he was able to drive it to the property.  Lincoln LOVED following him there with our flashers on, but he didn't understand why we couldn't pass him because he was going so slow!

We have an actual foundation!!  YAHOO!!

The framing should start next week while I am away at camp.  To be continued....

1 comment:

  1. Very the photo's and especially like that it appears Brooklyn is trying her best impression of using the septic tank area! Super excited to have you guys even closer....
