My baby girl is one! Where the last year went I've no idea, but I am so excited about the adventures that lie ahead. The kids ages right now are so much fun. Brooklyn's personality is very laid back and serious. She likes her sleep and is more of an early to bed early to rise kind of gal like her mom rather then a late to bed late to rise like her dad and brother. Her main words right now are "thank-you," "Daddy," "Mama," "doggie," and "what's that." She rarely sits still, but as of late has been know to have moments where she wants to snuggle (I LOVE that!) She absolutely adores her brother and he feels the same way about her most of the time.
We had a small birthday celebration at my parents house on Brooklyn's actual birthday where she opened her presents from Josh, Lincoln, myself and my parents. She got some new books, a glow worm, and a new outfit that her brother picked out for her (pink pants with a leopard print jacket.)

Her birthday party was Saturday the 29th. The original theme was to be rainbow colored things, but it evolved to be just a colorful party, not in traditional rainbow colors. We had it at Kelly and Danette's which worked out great because our house is too small for hosting indoor events comfortably. My good friend Amy of course made her cake and as usual it was stunning. She had a good time eating her cupcake and opening her presents. She was most interested in the cards, she was not wanting to give those things up! It's amazing how she is really drawn to stuffed animals and baby dolls even at a year. Don't get me wrong she loves a good hot wheel and will sit down to play with brother's trains too, but she definitely has a soft spot for the dolls/plush toys. Lincoln was so excited about Brooklyn's party too! He wanted to "help." He also couldn't wait to sample the candy table! Even with the chaos of the holidays many friends and family came out to celebrate with us and it really meant a lot.

Christmas was a whirl wind! Less chaotic than last year and a lot of fun, but we really need to consider cutting something out or having family come to us next year. We celebrated Christmas with my dad's family in Portland this year and the kids had a blast playing and opening presents. Lincoln is at the age where he really is understanding the whole present thing. He somewhat understands that it is Jesus' birthday, but we will continue to work on that. Logan got Lincoln hooked on Angry Birds, specifically the moon level? And he got Play-Doh from Jeff and Michelle that he absolutely loves! Brooklyn of course fell in love with Alex and even got to model one of her head bands. I can't believe how fast those two are growing up! It was great to relax and catch up though we did miss Steve and Susan as they were recovering from a flu bug :-(. Of course it was wonderful to see my Grandma Bev and again I am reminded how I really don't see her enough and need to make more of an effort to bring the kids down to see her.

Christmas day started with the kids waking up and opening their presents from Josh and I and of course their presents from Santa! The dogs got their presents as well. We didn't really do a whole lot for each other this year other than we each had an afternoon to take Lincoln shopping in which he picked out a present for each of us and Brooklyn. It took a while to get him focused in the toy store and to remember that the purpose of the trip was to find something for Brooklyn, not to get "Lincoln presents." He finally "focused" and picked out Brooklyn a Mini Mouse plush doll. Which by the way she absolutely loves :-). We were so excited about the kids opening presents we didn't realized until we were done that we had a white Christmas outside!
We also checked on the goodies we had left for Santa and his reindeer only to discover they were gone and a note was left behind. Putting candles on Jesus' cupcake and singing happy birthday to him was the final thing we did before playing with the toys...
We then got dressed, loaded up the car and headed to Kelly and Danette's for the traditional Christmas breakfast. On the way there we were disappointed to see that the snow was gone by the time we hit Tumwater. We sang Christmas carols all the way. Lincoln is becoming quite the little singer.
We arrived and of course stuffed ourselves with a mouth watering breakfast. We were all spoiled. The kids got many new toys and some clothing. Brooklyn managed to stay in her "Christmas" outfit for maybe 15 min before she needed wardrobe change number 1.
Danette had books made for Josh and Jessi that were all about their Grandma Juanita. The books were amazing and both of them were touched by the gift. If fact I'm not sure there was a dry eye in the house after opening them! I often wish she could have met Brooklyn and Lincoln, she would have loved them to pieces. However I am positive she is watching them grow up from heaven and I'm sure she keeping a protective eye on them.
Luckily we arrived at my parents house in time to visit and exchange gifts with Aaron and Necia. Brooklyn really took to the reindeer head band my mom had at the house and her singing Roudolph stocking. I think she liked it better than any of her gifts! After the gift exchange Brooklyn went down for a nap and we watched Home Alone :-). Upon Brooklyn awaking from her slumber I realized she had blown out her diaper and therefore needed outfit number 3 before heading over to dinner at my grandmas house.

My favorite part about the Christmas season is seeing family and visiting. We just don't all get together enough. Now with two kids we are so busy with our little family fitting in the time is a struggle as well. We sat around, ate, laughed at the kids, and just talked. It was great! My whole family went together and got us a red KitchenAid Mixer!! YEAHHHH!!!! Oh, and did I mention that Brooklyn needed outfit number 4 after being under my grandpa's "supervision" for all of 5 min! She was covered in chocolate! I had no more outfits for her, but luckily Aunt Kathy had gotten her some Christmas jammies that were waiting for her under the tree, phew!