Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn

Sunday, July 10, 2011


We have two boxers (Rex and Morgan) and a cat (Kitty) and as much as I love them dearly and would not trade them for anything, they cause me extreme stress at times...  Every spring/summer we have flea issues and this year is no exception.  I bought Frontline from Costco and set out to exterminate them.  I started by washing their dog pillow on warm.  Next the insides of their pillow went in the dryer on the antibacterial cycle.  I washed our bedding and bathed both dogs.  Lincoln got so excited to see the dogs in the shower he wanted in too!  He was laughing the whole time.  It was adorable.  Then I measured out the appropriate amount of Frontline.  Costco did not have the correct dosage size for my dogs, but I looked online and measured out the correct dosage from the extra large dog breed.  It is the same formula, they just have the dosage amount pre-divided for you.  It is actually more cost effective to buy the extra large dog breed and measure out what you need because it is all the same price (well, at Costco at least).  No sooner was the task at hand nearly complete, when Morgan preceded to go outside and roll in poop!!!  This is not a normal thing for her to do by the way...  Grrr!  I had to bath her again, but I am hoping that I have taken care of the fleas for the rest of the season...

Lincoln and Morgan



I found some interesting information online about home remedies for fleas.  Here are the most popular that I came across.  I have not tried these personally (other than I do put cedar shavings in our dog house) so if you are going to use any of these remedies I recommend doing more research to determine dosage etc. 
  • Add brewers yeast to your dog's food
  • Bathe them with Dawn dish soap (with lavender is recommended)
  • Add vinegar/apple cider vinegar to their water (4 tbsp/gallon of water)
  • Use cedar shavings/chips in their dog house
  • Lavender apparently is a flea repellent, so use carpet cleaner/freshener with lavender or even dog shampoo with lavender

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