Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn

Monday, June 27, 2011

Our Garden

This is the third year we have planted a garden and we can never seem to manage to get everything/anything in the ground on time! When I say "we" I really mean mostly Josh as he primarily takes care of all the fruits and veggies. Fresh fruit and vegetables are so much more flavorful that the store bought stuff and they have more nutrients! It also reminds me of being a kid. My brother and I would trek over to my grandparents on the trail through the woods and eat all kinds of delicious food from their garden! Fresh strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, beans, you name it, they grew a lot of it! And although as an adult I have a garden of my own my grandparents still load me up with awesome fruits and vegetables (as do my parents and in-laws) and send me on my way. It a good thing too because our garden is considerably smaller than theirs! This year we have beans, squash, strawberries, raspberries, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, and corn. We'll see how everything does and keep you posted!

Raspberries (in extrat tall tomato cages...)



Last year bugs destroyed all of our cauliflower, so we will see what heppens thi year...

Someone is having a sample, but they aren't ready yet...

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