Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Sugar Canister??
Well, last night Lincoln gave us quite the laugh. Josh was working on the computer while I was cleaning our room. Lincoln had been running all over the house playing with his toys at random when it got quite... I came out into the kitchen to find him saying "Ummm, Ummm (his word for yummy)!" He had gotten the canister of sugar open and was eating by the handful. He had even apparently been giving Buzz a taste of the sugar as I found him in the sugar canister was well. He had it all over the floor, his clothes, and his face. It was pretty funny. Guess it's time to move the canisters! A picture to follow...
Monday, June 27, 2011
Our Garden
This is the third year we have planted a garden and we can never seem to manage to get everything/anything in the ground on time! When I say "we" I really mean mostly Josh as he primarily takes care of all the fruits and veggies. Fresh fruit and vegetables are so much more flavorful that the store bought stuff and they have more nutrients! It also reminds me of being a kid. My brother and I would trek over to my grandparents on the trail through the woods and eat all kinds of delicious food from their garden! Fresh strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, beans, you name it, they grew a lot of it! And although as an adult I have a garden of my own my grandparents still load me up with awesome fruits and vegetables (as do my parents and in-laws) and send me on my way. It a good thing too because our garden is considerably smaller than theirs! This year we have beans, squash, strawberries, raspberries, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, and corn. We'll see how everything does and keep you posted!
Raspberries (in extrat tall tomato cages...) |
Peppers |
Squash |
Cauliflower Last year bugs destroyed all of our cauliflower, so we will see what heppens thi year... |
Strawberries Someone is having a sample, but they aren't ready yet... |
Mini Yard Project
I absolutely love having a big yard to relax in and I enjoy maintaining my flowerbeds. This is my latest yard project. I need to drill some holes in the bottom of the wheel barrel to ensure proper drainage for my annuals. For now I lined the bottom with rocks... The bird houses are another project. I owe a huge thank you to my wonderful grandpa for making the bird houses for me. Well, he actually made one for every student in my classroom to paint and give to their mom's for Mother's Day and I benefited from the extras. I will be painting them soon and putting them in various places along our fence.
What Happened to My Baby?!
I cannot believe how quickly Lincoln's little personality is developing! Just in the last few weeks he has changed so much. He is talking constantly now. Although enunciation is definitely not a strong suit right now and I'm sure it takes a parent's ear to decipher his sentences, he is quite the little chatter box! Taking him anywhere is quite an enjoyable adventure as well because he wants to know what everything is and will just randomly call out words or make noises in the store. He also can put on quite the little show if he realizes that what he is doing is making someone laugh... The other day at Grandma and Grandpa's he was cracking everyone up by running and throwing himself on the ground like he had tripped. He would burst into laughter and do it over and over again. I wonder if it is a stage or if he is going to have a flare for the dramatic... We shall see!
As fun as this stage is I can tell that Dad is closing in on Mom's lead as the "favorite". Lately Lincoln calls out and is constantly asking, "where's daddy?" Yesterday we took took a family trip to the Olympia Farmers Market and he was shouting "DADDY!" It makes me smile every time, never gets old.
As fun as this stage is I can tell that Dad is closing in on Mom's lead as the "favorite". Lately Lincoln calls out and is constantly asking, "where's daddy?" Yesterday we took took a family trip to the Olympia Farmers Market and he was shouting "DADDY!" It makes me smile every time, never gets old.
Friday, June 24, 2011
First Official Day of Summer...
Well, today was the first day I did not have kids (my students), nor did I go into work. It did not get off to a great start... The good news is the day progressively got better. Started off with a dentist appointment this morning and finding out that I have yet another cavity?! Also, that I may need gum surgery due to my receding gum line. Gives me chills just thinking about gum surgery... Then, my little "angel" was really having a rough morning... We battled with eye drops. Who knew the eyelid muscle was so dang strong! The good new is after the timely ordeal there are still drops left in the container for his last day of drops tomorrow... Then he threw a few tantrums for no apparent reason I am hoping it is a combination of his eye infection and his teeth bothering him and not a new personality trait that we will have to iron out. Every time we got ready to go outside it would start to downpour?! Nap time finally arrived and mom took full advantage and took a nap herself. Then the day got much better. I'm not sure if it was the nap, the sunshine or the scrumptious high calorie lunch of mac-n-cheese, fries, and chocolate milk, but whatever it was I was thankful. We were finally able to venture outside and Lincoln ran around the yard "mowing" everything in sight with his lawn mower while I got the entire backyard flowerbed weeded and my iris's cleaned up after blooming. He even helped me load the wheel barrel. He actually got upset if I started taking weeds from his pile and put them into the wheel barrel... He also discovered he could climb our "tree char" :-) All in all it turned out to be a wonderful start to our summer. Looking forward to many adventures with my little man this summer!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
My Brother's Wedding
Well, for my first "official" post I will go back a couple weeks to a very important event in the family. On June 11th my brother got married! It was quite the family affair as Lincoln was the ring bear and I was a bridesmaid. Lincoln did a great job at the rehearsal and was really enjoying the fact that he got to not only walk down the aisle, but also got to climb steps. He however wanted absolutely nothing to do with that beautiful ring bear pillow that Necia's grandmother hand made... As it came time for the actual event though he got cold feet and daddy had to rescue him from the crowd of people that he was absolutely not going to be walking in front of any time soon. Oh well, he looked so darn cute in his over sized tux (the Tux Shop's smallest tux size was a 4T, Lincoln is in 24 months...)!
The wedding itself was beautiful and we had a great time visiting with family and friends. More importantly I am so happy to have Necia in the family and I couldn't be more proud of my brother and the person he has become :-)
The wedding itself was beautiful and we had a great time visiting with family and friends. More importantly I am so happy to have Necia in the family and I couldn't be more proud of my brother and the person he has become :-)
Inspired by Friends!
A couple of my friends blog about their families and I enjoy keeping in touch with them in that way. Needles to say they inspired me to do the same... It's got to be easier than journaling, right! So here I go! I hope everyone is ready to learn a little bit more about the lives and everyday happenings of the Brannin family!
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