Time needs to slow down! Miss Brooklyn is already 3 months old?! How did that happen? Since Lincoln was born time has been flying quite fast enough, I wasn't prepared for it to go even faster when Brooklyn arrived! She is getting so big and, if you can believe it, cuter every day! She constantly smiles and has recently started giggling. She especially giggles when I make loud kissing noises near her neck. She is absolutely enthrawled by her big brother and smiles at him all the time. Who wouldn't though, he is quite entertaining. Little Miss' neck muscles are getting quite strong and she is still an amazing sleeper. She goes to bed about 9 and doesn't wake up until 5 or 6! It is truely amazing! She continues to soothe herself with her thumb. It is adorable, but I already have fears that she won't out grow it in a reasonable time period, I guess we have to wait and see. The love you feel for your children is something that cannot be described properly with words and I was nervous about not feeling that abundance of love the second time around. I am now a firm believer that no matter how many childern one has you will feel the same overwhelming joy in your heart. I feel it everyday whan I look at both of my kids. I am so blessed and want to capture every moment so that I never forget all the little smiles, laughs, coos, and milestones!
Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Can it be? Is spring finally upon us or is this just another tease that will bring about snow showers... Whatever it is, we took full advantage of the beautiful weather today. It is conference week which means long stressful days, but they will give way to spring break!! Whoo hooo!!! We came home and washed the car. Lincoln had quite a good time making puddles and washing not only the car, but he also gave the truck the occasional scrub. All the while Brooklyn chilled on the porch :-)
Next I had to strip Lincoln on the porch because he had of course managed to become soaked. His football was outside so we brushed up on his hand eye coordination... He is getting much better at "catching". The video camera distracted him a bit as he was catching the football much better before I started to video.
We ended our enjoyment of the beautiful weather with a ride on the lawn mower. Well, Lincoln took a ride with Josh anyway... :-) Although his face does not reflect it, he had been looking forward to it since yesterday.
Next I had to strip Lincoln on the porch because he had of course managed to become soaked. His football was outside so we brushed up on his hand eye coordination... He is getting much better at "catching". The video camera distracted him a bit as he was catching the football much better before I started to video.
We ended our enjoyment of the beautiful weather with a ride on the lawn mower. Well, Lincoln took a ride with Josh anyway... :-) Although his face does not reflect it, he had been looking forward to it since yesterday.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Happy Birthday Dad!
Today is not only St. Patty's Day, but also my dad's birthday. He is the best dad a girl could ask for. He is honest, hard working, great for advice and a WONDERFUL Grandpa! The video is sideways again...
Monday, March 12, 2012
Laundry? Pirates?
Oh, I am so glad to have this amazing technology so that I can look back and remember these moments when the kids get older. Why not explore the washing machine? I mean if we could fit inside as adults who's to say we wouldn't be just as curious about such things? Sorry the video is sideways...
Lincoln the Singer
Lately Lincoln has been obsessed with songs. He wants Josh and I to sing to him at night before he goes to bed. I use to sing to him all the time before bed. Some of our favorites were "The Ant's Go Marching," "If You're Happy and You Know It," "You Are My Sunshine," and "On Top of Spaghetti." For a long time "On Top of Spaghetti" was his all time favorite. It progressed to singing pieces and acting out the "sneeze" part as well. He started making requests at bedtime for the "Thomas Theme Song" and the other day he asked me to sing the "McQueen" song. The problem with that was as far as I know there is no "McQueen" song so I scrambled to make one up. Well, let me clarify I just used a tune and replaced some names... He has only recently begun to sing these songs on his own at random times and we LOVE listening to him. I was fortunate enough to catch some on video :-) No picture, just sound. He is singing "You Are My Sunshine."
Brooklyn 2 Months!
Ok, so she is now 11 weeks and coming up on her 3 month mark, but a lot has happened in month 2. She is smiling all the time and cooing. Naturally it melts my heart every time! She took her first nap in her crib. We aren't quite ready to kick her out of our room yet... I am back at work and therefore she is on formula (two bottles per day) while at daycare. I didn't make it two full weeks of pumping at work... I was getting nothing accomplished! This new routine is much better for mom. I am more comfortable and picking out an outfit that is nursing compatible was annoying! :-) Besides a happy mom makes for a happy family, right?

Brooklyn is an AMAZING sleeper. On average she has been going to bed around 10 and not waking up at all until 5. She has even slept from 10-7... Lincoln was between 4 and 5 months before he was sleeping that long consistently! She is also trying so hard to rollover! If Lincoln happens to see her attempting to roll over he gives her just the nudge she needs. He is such a caring big brother.
She is very easy going and really doesn't fuss much. I've come to find she loves being naked! She gets a big grin on her face when I change her diaper and have to take her pants off. She also recently found her thumb... It's adorable as long as she isn't still sucking her thumb while waiting for the school bus... I finally feel like a routine is being set and life is getting easier for sure!
She had her 2 month appointment today. That meant 3 shots, poor girl :-( It's fun to reminisce and see how she compares to Lincoln at the same age.
Weight Lincoln 6 pounds 14 ounces
Brooklyn 7 pounds 9 ounces
Length Lincoln 19.75 inches
Brooklyn 20.25 inches
2 Weeks
Weight Lincoln 7 pounds 15 ounces (20%)
Brooklyn 8 pounds 5 ounces (75%)
Length Lincoln 22 inches (85%)
Brooklyn 21.5 inches (95%)
Head Lincoln 37.2 cm (45%)
Brooklyn 36.5
2 Months
Weight Lincoln 11 pounds 12 ounces (47%)
Brooklyn 12 pounds 5 ounces (75%)
Length Lincoln 23.5 inches (67%)
Brooklyn 23.5 inches (70%)
Head Lincoln 40 cm (47%)
Brooklyn 43 cm (98%)
Brooklyn is an AMAZING sleeper. On average she has been going to bed around 10 and not waking up at all until 5. She has even slept from 10-7... Lincoln was between 4 and 5 months before he was sleeping that long consistently! She is also trying so hard to rollover! If Lincoln happens to see her attempting to roll over he gives her just the nudge she needs. He is such a caring big brother.
She had her 2 month appointment today. That meant 3 shots, poor girl :-( It's fun to reminisce and see how she compares to Lincoln at the same age.
Weight Lincoln 6 pounds 14 ounces
Brooklyn 7 pounds 9 ounces
Length Lincoln 19.75 inches
Brooklyn 20.25 inches
2 Weeks
Weight Lincoln 7 pounds 15 ounces (20%)
Brooklyn 8 pounds 5 ounces (75%)
Length Lincoln 22 inches (85%)
Brooklyn 21.5 inches (95%)
Head Lincoln 37.2 cm (45%)
Brooklyn 36.5
2 Months
Weight Lincoln 11 pounds 12 ounces (47%)
Brooklyn 12 pounds 5 ounces (75%)
Length Lincoln 23.5 inches (67%)
Brooklyn 23.5 inches (70%)
Head Lincoln 40 cm (47%)
Brooklyn 43 cm (98%)
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