The rest of the week went well for the kids and I can say that the hardest part has been getting myself back into the routine at work. Between feeling out of the loop, pumping, and trying to keep things running smoothly with Cispus I am really stressing out. It sometimes feel like such an uphill battle and I am working on thickening my skin. My sunshine in the rain is definitely my beautiful family that I get to come home to every day and spend the weekends with. This season will pass is what I keep telling myself and summer is just around the corner! My students are wonderful and I have a fun teaching partner!
Josh, Victoria, Lincoln, and Brooklyn
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Back to Work
I know it's been a while... I am now officially back at work and it has been crazy to say the least. Dropping the kids off the first day was a day filled with mixed emotions. I love my job so I was kind of excited to get back into my routine at work and see my kids. I LOVE my kiddos more though and was really sad about leaving Brooklyn because she is so little! I have to say though that it was easier the second time around. Partly because I knew that the kids would be at daycare together and I think because in the back of my mind I knew that everything went well when I left Lincoln two years ago and he is a happy kid today. None the less I was fighting tears as I headed to work with two empty car seats in in the back of the car. As I walked in to my classroom I broke down when I saw the cards, flowers and candy on my desk from my loving co-workers and friends. A huge mood boost occurred when the bell rang at 8:00 and my students entered the room with overjoyed looks on their faces. I was showered with hugs and warm welcomes and ended up having a great day. Naturally I was ecstatic to leave at the end of the day and pick up the kids. I was happy to hear that they both had GREAT days as well. No problems whatsoever. We came home, put rubber boots on and headed out in the rain to play in the puddles that Lincoln LOVES. He had a blast and was not happy when I made him come inside! A few days later he was confused about where the puddles had gone. He decided the water must have gone down the drain! Funny kid!
The rest of the week went well for the kids and I can say that the hardest part has been getting myself back into the routine at work. Between feeling out of the loop, pumping, and trying to keep things running smoothly with Cispus I am really stressing out. It sometimes feel like such an uphill battle and I am working on thickening my skin. My sunshine in the rain is definitely my beautiful family that I get to come home to every day and spend the weekends with. This season will pass is what I keep telling myself and summer is just around the corner! My students are wonderful and I have a fun teaching partner!
The rest of the week went well for the kids and I can say that the hardest part has been getting myself back into the routine at work. Between feeling out of the loop, pumping, and trying to keep things running smoothly with Cispus I am really stressing out. It sometimes feel like such an uphill battle and I am working on thickening my skin. My sunshine in the rain is definitely my beautiful family that I get to come home to every day and spend the weekends with. This season will pass is what I keep telling myself and summer is just around the corner! My students are wonderful and I have a fun teaching partner!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Happy Valentines Day!
Ah, another Valentines Day... We spent the night before putting together Lincoln's Valentine's for his friends at daycare.
The morning of Valentine's Day was a hectic, but the afternoon was LAZY. First item on the to do list was to get Lincoln a hair cut. Josh and I both love it long (as pictured below), but there was a bit of miscommunication about whether or not he needed a hair cut...
So naturally, to save a buck, I made the mistake of attempting a trim the night before and turned our child into one of the the mushrooms from Nintendo that gives you height... So he got the "joy" of a "professional" hair cut at hair masters. Hehehe :-) I can't wait for it to grow back as it still is a bit mushroomy...
We then headed to drop off the Valentine's at his daycare. He was sobbing at the thought of me leaving him, but finally chilled out when he realized we were just visiting. He was having a blast like he always does I'm sure when I am not there. Next stop, Grandma's house. Lincoln got to spend the day with Grandma and then went to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. Their plan was to eat a nice dinner at Red Lobster, but somehow they ended up at the McDonald's Play Place and never made it to Red Lobster. My parents decided to take the car through the car wash on the way home and Lincoln apparently had mixed feelings about that. He was scared up until the end. Then that's all he was talking about that night at home. It is even what he told Josh about during bedtime when we ask him to tell us about his day. After dropping Lincoln off I had to run to the post office to drop off my ballot so that my "yes" vote for the levy would count. Then I finally made it home where I literally ate comfort food, vegged on the couch, and snuggled with Brooklyn. It was PERFECT! Josh got home late from work and we just hung out when the kids went to bed. No Valentines plans, but a great day none the less :-) Besides, my Valentine will spoil me throughout the year, right :-) And of course I will spoil him too...
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Lincoln Stubborn?
Lincoln's personality is really developing and for a while now we have begun to realize how stubborn he can be. He likes things done in a certain way (which can be traced to certain family members for sure, but I won't name any names.. hehehe) and refuses to do things unless he wants to or unless he is good and ready to. We have been working on manners, specifically getting him to consistently say please and thank you. I usually keep a snack in the car that he eats on the way home from daycare. Today he asked for his snack and I asked him to say "please", he of course refused and got no snack. We got home and he proceeded to head to the pantry and get a fruit snack. He brought it to me to open for him and again I asked him to say "please", again he refused. This time he plopped himself on the ground and gave me the "no way I'm giving in" look. He got no fruit snack. Next he brought me the Pirates Booty. I asked him to say please before he would get any and surprise, surprise, he would not. He went to the living room and I proceeded to check up on some work emails. Little did I know what was going on behind me... I walked into the living room to find the honey and an entire loaf of bread spilled onto the floor. Lincoln was just eating large chunks of it while watching Cars?! So stubborn! It was one of those moments when I had to take a moment and reflect on the appropriate next steps, as part of me wanted to crack up laughing and the other part of me was so irritated about him sneaking a "snack" that he didn't have to ask nicely for. After a minute or two of observation I decided that I had to photograph the moment, thus appealing to the part of me that wanted to laugh. I did so discretely and with a very disappointed/irritated look on my face of course as not to send the wrong message. Then to appeal to the side of me that knows he needed to be disciplined for his own future good, he got in trouble. Being a parent makes for the most priceless memories!
A Perfect Heart and Sweet Smile!
Brooklyn had her heart appointment today. She saw the pediatric cardiologist to have her faint heart murmur checked out. Her pediatrician, Dr. Murdoch, did not think there was any reason for concern, but none the less want to get her checked out just to be sure and to give us all peace of mind. I of course worried none the less! I finally felt better about a week ago after talking with Josh and continuous prayers for her health and wisdom for the doctors as they examined her. They did an ultrasound of her heart and it was perfect! She was so good too. Other than they needed her to be still and she has a hard time holding still unless she is sleeping! A wiggle worm like her brother for sure. I learned today that they use Doppler in ultrasounds and that it is the same technology/physics that they use in the weather reports we watch on TV. I was also informed that the medical profession gets the credit for developing the idea :-) Brooklyn is now 6 weeks old, weighs 10 ponds 2 ounces and is 22 and 1/4 inches long. Growing so fast! I was able to catch her first "on camera" smiles. A perfect ending to our day!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
From Snow to This??
What a beautiful day we had today! You wouldn't have guessed we were under 13inches of snow not long ago! We took full advantage of the sun and spent our day outside. Lincoln was excited to pull out his outside toys and one by one they were in no time at all they were strewn about the yard like ants at a picnic! I took the opportunity to clean up the mess Thor made in the yard, clean out the kennel, take down the Christmas lights, and fix a hole in the fence. All in all a very productive day! Lincoln had fun in his wagon (which he insisted I pull him around the yard in while carrying Brooklyn in the front pack!)and was thrilled to set up his swing and use it for the first time this year.
Brooklyn enjoyed the sunny day with a nap outside!
The neighbors were out with their dog Beanie trimming back the tree in the front of our property that had many broken branches on account of the winter storm. I am now exhausted and very much looking forward to date night with Josh!
Kitty spent her afternoon in the cherry tree...Brooklyn enjoyed the sunny day with a nap outside!
The neighbors were out with their dog Beanie trimming back the tree in the front of our property that had many broken branches on account of the winter storm. I am now exhausted and very much looking forward to date night with Josh!
Apartment Complete!
We have a "mother-in-law" house/apartment on our property that we rent. Until recently it has been rented out pretty consistently. A friend was in need of a place to stay, but was not in a huge rush to move in so we took the opportunity to fix a few things that needed fixed and update some things that desperately needed updated. I wish I had before and after shots, but I do not. It is just one bedroom, has a bathroom, washer/dryer hook up, and a small kitchen. The walls were previously dark plum and the cabinets were a sunny yellow. I think the new neutral colors look much better!
Outside... |
Half of the bedroom |
The other half of the bedroom |
Bathroom |
Opposite side of the bathroom |
Kitchen |
Living room (opposite side of the kitchen) |
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