I picked up Lincoln from daycare, put his tiger costume on in the car and we headed to our first stop, Grandma & Papa Riddell's house! He wasn't too excited about wearing his costume, but it's amazing how a two year old can be distracted by a fruit snack... Once we got buckled in and on the road he was just fine :-) Grandma and Papa loaded him up with oranges (which he LOVES) and mini cinnamon rolls (he might have to fight mom for those...).
Next we walked through the woods to Great Grandma and Grandpa Pickens' house. It was much easier to walk than deal with the car seat again. Lincoln trick-or-treated there and surprise, surprise got full size candy bars! Just like when we were kids. My Grandpa doesn't believe in mini candy bars and he keeps a refrigerator full of them year-round.
Our last stop was Gramme Brannin's house. Lincoln added a rather large pumpkin sugar cookie to his treat bucket. Gramme also tried to get him to try chocolate covered bananas, but he would have no part of that! He wanted chocolate milk instead or rather "choco nilk" as Lincoln would put it. We met up with Daddy at Gramme's house because of his job being in Federal Way. When we were leaving we of course had two vehicles and Lincoln was torn on whether he wanted to ride in Daddy's car or Mommy's car. He ended up in my car, but was adamant that we make sure Daddy was coming too. His first words upon parking in the driveway at home were, "Daddy coming?" and he lit up when Josh pulled up next to us. We ended the night with a late dinner and a shower for Lincoln before bed. Long day, but fun :-)